Mobile Application Development
In today’s world there is an expanding technology boom, with wireless networks dominating each aspect of life, the Mobile Solutions Industry is still coming of age. Businesses are still to leverage the full potential of Mobile Technology. The convergence of the wireless, entertainment and advertising industries has led to a situation where people are expecting more and more out of their mobile devices.
Grafix360 a Mobile Development company delivers innovative wireless solutions that cut costs, boost productivity, and generate new revenues for clients. Our Mobile Application Developers are committed and motivated by an ambition to continually make a mark in the mobile and wireless industry and we extend our expertise to provide customized mobile phone programming & development solutions.
Our team of Mobile Application Developers provides economical solutions by isolating components in an application that hinders development, and solves the problem, with effective and industry standard techniques. We have extensive expertise in creating real-time handset-resident applications on multiple platforms like J2ME, Symbian, Windows Mobile, iPhone, Google Android & Palm OS.
We have extensive expertise in creating real-time handset-resident applications on multiple platforms like J2ME, Symbian, Windows Mobile, iPhone, Google Android and Palm OS.
Android Application Development
Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. Our Houston based Android application developers are proficient in creating android application and testing on a simulator, and porting to mobile devices. |
iPhone Application Development
Due to the large and growing audience of the Iphone and their unique distribution platform via ITunes store, it is becoming more and more increasingly popular and necessary to develop applications for the Iphone for marketing, advertising, entertainment, gaming and utility based applications. |
Windows Mobile Application Development
Windows Mobile OS is one of the largest deployed Operating Systems on the mobile and the handheld Devices. Our experienced team at Softway Solutions has the expertise in developing windows mobile Applications in C++ and C#. |
Blackberry Application Development
The undisputed favorite phone of the business executives today is the Blackberry phone. Known traditionally to sport all kinds of business related applications onboard, offered a lot of functionality. Ever since the dawn of the Blackberry Software Development Kit, businesses have started developing custom applications for blackberries. |
Palm Pre Application Development
Release of the Palm Pre recently has stirred up the urgency to develop application similar to or like the applications on the iphone and Google Android phones. It is now almost necessary to develop application across all platforms that support a distribution model for apps. |
iPhone Game Development
If you have iPhone gaming projects that need to be developed, then you’ve come to the right place. Our core activities include the developing and testing of highly interactive games and applications for iPhone. |
Android Game Development
The Android is one of the best mobile phone platforms out there. With an open API and development platform and a complete turnkey solutions for distribution of the applications it makes it an ideal platform for game development. |